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Dog Grooming
De-matting: Welcome

We appreciate it can be normal for even a well-cared coat to have a few small knots and minor matted areas, and this is usually remedied during a standard groom at no extra charge.  However, as dog owners, we understand that life can sometimes throw you a curve ball causing you to get behind with your dog’s regular grooming appointments and before you know it, your dog’s coat is suddenly out of control and very matted.  

At Easipaws, we are here to help you when this happens.  When a dog is presented to us in a severely matted condition – our priority is always the welfare of the dog. It is our policy to shave the whole coat using electric clippers with a very fine blade. We consider shaving to be an act of kindness – this will be discussed during your consultation when the whole process will be explained.  Please see our de-matting policy here.

De-matting: Text
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